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MijnGezondheid.net user panel

To improve MijnGezondheid.net and the MedGemak app, we would like to hear your opinion.

MijnGezondheid.net user panelĀ 

To improve MijnGezondheid.net and the MedGemak app, we would like to hear your opinion.

Who can sign up to the user panel?

Anyone can sign up. It does not matter whether you use MijnGezondheid.net and/or MedGemak a lot or little. We are looking for a mixed group, both in age, gender and digital skills.

What is the user panel for?

The user panel is used when we want to test new developments or adjustments for MijnGezondheid.net or MedGemak. This is done in different ways: via a questionnaire, an online meeting or a physical meeting. This depends on the questions we have.

MijnGezondheid.net user panel
