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Frequently asked questions
Instructional video's

Manage your care in one place

Do you have any questions about MijnGezondheid.net or the MedGemak app? We are happy to help you. View our frequently asked questions and demonstration videos about MijnGezondheid.net and the MedGemak app.

  • DigiD
  • Functionalities
  • Ivido
  • Make online appointments
  • MedGemak
  • Medisch dossier
  • Other questions
  • Register and log in
  • Repeat medication
  • Safety & privacy
  • Self-measurements
  • Sending messages


Apply for DigiD app

Can I apply for DigiD for my child?

I do not have a mobile phone, can I still use SMS functionality?

I do not receive an SMS code.

I forgot my DigiD password

I forgot my DigiD username

I have a question about the DigiD app.

If I activate the SMS functionality, do I have to use it for every website with DigiD?