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Frequently asked questions
Instructional video's

Manage your care in one place

Do you have any questions about MijnGezondheid.net or the MedGemak app? We are happy to help you. View our frequently asked questions and demonstration videos about MijnGezondheid.net and the MedGemak app.

  • Aanmelden en inloggen
  • Berichten sturen
  • DigiD
  • Functionaliteiten
  • Ivido
  • Labuitslagen
  • MedGemak
  • Medicatie herhalen
  • Medisch dossier
  • Online afspraak maken
  • Overige vragen
  • Veiligheid & privacy
  • Zelfmetingen

Aanmelden en inloggen

Can a child be linked to my MijnGezondheid.net-account?

How do I pair the MedGemak app?

How do I register for MijnGezondheid.net?

How to add a healthcare provider?

I am returned to the homepage.

I did not receive an appointment confirmation of a previously made appointment. What is the reason for this?

I get a message that my BSN is unknown.

I have a new GP/pharmacy. How can I change this?

I no longer wish to use MijnGezondheid.net. How can I indicate this?

I see a message that the contract has been terminated with the healthcare provider, what now?

When logging in, I get the message that there has been no activity for 15 minutes, after which I can't proceed. What is the best thing to do?

Why can't I choose to log in with the DigiD app when logging in to MijnGezondheid.net?